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green screen

Green Screen

how does it work?

Looking to break from reality? Facilities under construction? Uncooperative weather? Looking for something unique? Custom backgrounds and designs will make your team stand out from the crowd.

We show up to your session and we shoot every player individually on a green chorma key background. We then use computer software to remove the background from the image file. We then use the cutout image files to create your team photo, individual photo, banner photo, or all three!!

We can create banners or photos of any size your team needs. Some of our standard banner sizes are 4×6 & 5.5ft x 8ft for teams and for individual banners 2×3, 2×4, or 3×5. Of course we can order at any size. We have done team banners up to 20ft wide so if your team needs a specialty size let us know and we can quote you appropriately.